Friday, September 10, 2010

Converting a deep freeze to a fermentation chamber.

I purchased a used deep freeze from craigslist, and it's now sitting in the garage.  The whole idea is to convert this thing into a primary fermentation chamber for lagering.  However, I don't want to buy one of those expensive temperature controller devices at the local homebrew shop.  I'm going to do this with an old no-longer-used laptop, an unused 8 outlet network managed power strip, linux, and a usb attached thermometer.  This should be fun!
(The new freezer)

I've already plugged the fridge into the power strip and determined both still work.  I've also mounted the power strip vertically on the garage wall to save space.
(Wall mounted power strip)

Now I just need to figure out how I'm going to get the temperature sensor inside the freezer without drilling holes or ruining the seal.  I'm in the middle of modifying a script I found online to activate/deactivate the freezer's power outlet.  I'd like it to be versatile enough to also handle the outlet for my future Herbie The Lovebug kegerator.
(Future Herbie keggerator.  Needs paint)

They would have to run from the same circuit as my garage door opener, so I need the logic to be smart enough to keep only one fridge/freezer running at a time.  If both of them run, I risk tripping a breaker.  Especially if they're both running when I open the garage.

I decided not to run both fridges for now, so I've only plugged in the freezer.  The freezer cycles on for 8 minutes at a time to reach the low end of my target temp, then cycles off for 50 minutes (at least at night, we'll see how it does in the day).  Not too terrible, really.  I'm planning to add graphs, and a web interface soon (since I can, ya' know?)  I look forward to checking on the fermentation temperature from work.  If I had a webcam that would be even better... but it won't be all that useful without a light in the freezer, and I don't want to add any light or heat to the fermentation process.  Maybe a night vision webcam is in order?!  I wonder if infrared light has the same skunk effect on beer as normal lights.

I've thrown my first batch in the freezer (The "Mexican Cerveza" kit from Beer Nut.)  and hopefully it all turns out alright.  Wish me luck!

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